Friday, June 10, 2011

What was it like to visit the Philippines during a Navy warship and a focal point

I am happy when I finally learned that I was meeting with my ship, he was transferred to the central Philippines. I wanted to fly from San Diego to Manila, and down the country in a van, about 200 miles, where the ship was tied up a. About 6 other guys and I were in the Philippines is the Air Force cargo plane that was in that direction.

E 'was loaded with a whole range of cold products, brought to the Philippines and who knows what. Wethey were just passengers. The places where we net Sat temporary seats, and they felt like it. Network were made ​​of seats, and they were back in front, which, as we would be sitting on a normal level, in front of face. We have been in when he got on the plane, and she was forced to lean forward rather than back in your chair. The aircraft had to be kept cold, and it seemed like a London fog, the plane, as we sat in a refrigerator.This was a long flight of 17 hours.

I was 19 when I landed in the Philippines. This could go far one of the most fun and a boy of service. If you just wanted a good time in bars, and have a good time with some beautiful sexy asian, you will love it there.

In the Navy, most people who have not been to the famous places like Thailand or the Philippines, Korea and Hong Kong always know if what they heard was true what sheheard from other guys on the ship. There is no way in a very different country sometimes someone explain, they just need to ask yourself sometimes.

Where are the ship was tied up, was about half a mile from the main gate, which was right next party central city called Olongapo. If you were at the base, it was great. The base was a laundry, you could do the laundry, and vending machines dispense cans of beer for you while you did the laundry.

The base wasa small casino on it, with the slot machines. She had horses you could rent, and beautiful golf course, that the trees were wild monkeys are one, I would like to throw things in and when they came near.

In the Philippines, clothing and services were for very cheap and easy. You could clean all your clothes, pressed and packed for you, for only a few dollars. So it was in the city. Your money could go far. For clothing, the market was out of towneverywhere, and have sold off a lot of clothes for bargain prices. You could be the ugliest man on the boat, and there is still a girl. It was not, if we could get a girl, but what would you do for the evening.

Just when you walk the main gate, there is a small bridge to the river below. All the boys called "shit river". It could have been that of raw sewage is still flowing. But this rule is not always stop the boat in 4 or 5 would besit in it, with young girls dressed in white clothes and kept begging bowls, so you throw money at them. People would throw pesos in the boat with them, and that was about 100 meters from the main gate of the base, and the entrance to the town was within walking distance.

The city had many many bars, with different themes to go inside. There was little or souvenir Sorry Sorry preserved, as they called them, and many bars and restaurants, almost anywhereVide. The funny thing about the city, the girls had to get anywhere easily, but pornography has not been seen in the city, and was illegal.

We had a bar that most of the guys would hang out of the office on a regular basis. Usually on weekends or after work hours of the day every day hanging out there, because that was our meeting place. The girls is not an argument you try to go with them, just as we wanted, and the drinks were cheap.

They wrote ourName for their bar-window, as did many bars that had special vessels, and a special department to go out and argued for their bar. Our department, more or less at the bar hanging Cindi direct access to the first block of the city from a block on the right side, and light.

Some of the bars did not seem so big from the outside. But it could be so great in it, when you entered. Most of all bar bands, acts, and for other processes withinmore customers. It was a city rocking chair at night. At that time there were no such things as the AID, or kill any other death that you could in those days. It 'was a big party town every night, and it was a free for all sexy, young women all over the world, and lots of cheap drinks.

Almost all of our post offices would all get together after work, and there would always start the same bar for drinks. Some of the bars in bigger, better, more sexy girls who had the most, and where the cost of drinksslightly more often where we go, later in the evening to get to the girls we wanted for the night, but do not spend all our time to drink there. We would like to go there, and only for the most beautiful girls to find us it might seem.

In the Philippines it is very easy for a regular Joe, 2 girls, both have repeatedly, and even three girls at a time trying to say is that they did and see how it is. In the U.S., it would mess with the luckiest man.Overseas, it was what you wanted.

Once we had a graduation party office, and I was put together. We decided that our department and the department of supply are the party together. My job was to get the drinks, the bar keep in the city. I booked a two-story bar that had a nice balcony overlooking the street. We've had people roast a pig, and all other types of food was brought in the Navy, have a fund for the shares. So I collected more moneyevery person on the list, and then asked that the Navy give us our money for our party, so we could have, and even better. I have the money together and we had a party in our hands, everything.

This was a party that does not matter if you are single, married or officers. If you were at the party you had with usually a little 'sexy Asian beauty to you. E 'was only a permanent rule that the city is still a free man, and most were married in the bar, andGirls, and that's just the way it is.

This party would take me to jail, but only after a great time of fun. With the help of a Filipino chief on board, got the fun for us to revive the party. The entertainment consisted of an act of a man who would allow anyone to throw darts in the back. Another document was a man who would put a rope around his neck, and pull as hard as you wanted, and could not harm him.

We alsohad many activities to do things like attack banana girl is her vagina, and they would face, ever wanted to sit in the banana. Other people would put money on their mouth and stick, and the girls were picking them up her vagina. This was a regular party division was beginning to be wild. Later that night I was arrested and taken to the ship, drunkenness, and too much of a good time.

One of my greatest lessons I havelearned in the Philippines, was the language, and it was embarrassing. It 'was the word Benny Boy. In all I was able to spend nine months in the Philippines, I was sunk Pick, three times in all.

Once I was pick pocketed by a group of young children. They all came to me, and then everything started hitting me with his fingers. Now shoo, I wanted it all over, and after I left, I realized I had just sunk to choose, and took the money from my front shirt pocket, I hadme. After that, I never took all my money at the same point, I broke up for good, when I was hit, I lost everything.

Another time I went down the road, and this sexy woman was standing in a dark doorway, suddenly out of know where, and asked me to come to her. When I went to her, to see what they wanted, they got really close to me and started to press my penis. I thought it should become dirty, as it only came out of the darkness, and I got awayfrom her, and stepped back and left. Later I realized that he used his hand quickly for me and for others went straight into my pocket, and within 4 seconds of time.

The 3rd time, I got my watch. I was sitting at a table with a drink in the middle of the day. I was sitting outside a bar at a table. The girl sits down, and after talking with her for a while ', asked my watch, and if they can do it. Later he says he has to go to the toilet and she never comesback. I asked one of the girls working in the bar where she was, who was sitting with me. Somehow, said the girl tell me she was Benny Boy. I thought that was his name, Benny Boy. Now I asked the girl next to me came when he saw Benny Boy. They just looked at me and said, "No", with a strange expression on his face.

I went outside, I was looking for this girl who has just moved with my watch and it was only a cheap watch. I've never had an expensive watch before. But I stillwanted to return my watch by it. I went up and down the road, and I would ask people: "You know where Benny Boy" A girl that I was asked, he said, "Why Benny Boy, when you can have me?" I wondered why he said that.

I asked the people and that would give me strange or looks. I looked forward with a shore patrol van top, and when I got there I asked the guys inside, if they knew someone named Benny Boy. I told them that only my watch, not too long ago,around the corner. These guys looked at each other now, and I did not know, I was still new to the Philippines.

One of them asked me: "You know, what does Benny Boy?" He told me that "Benny Boy is the Tagalog name for trans or ladyboy or a man in woman's clothes." E 'was embarrassing. Not these guys, but the other girls and I asked Benny Boy thought may have been one of his friends, and now all thought I was looking for a boy Benny. It 's fun to buy.

InMorning was hectic and busy on the ground around it. The taxis were busy and the ship was going to return every morning to the job. Are you also ship abroad, and about half of the boys singles, and half the guys are married, almost everyone who usually stays in the city.

Almost everyone can find a girl who has a place, or you can also rent a cheap hotel rooms for the night, almost anywhere. The way to work most of the bar, they call it a bar is in order. Youthe bar to pay for the privilege of the girls in the bar for the rest of the evening. It's up to you and the girl to find out what you need to do for the rest of the night.

Most girls want to get away from where they are working, and go to another bar, and hang with their friends, and come together. Finally, you have all the money in good standing. If the girl wants more money for themselves, they usually let you know that before, and you can decide forthemselves. Other girls, never ask for something from you sometimes, and are more fun than spending some 'time.

Most bars have all the money for their stylish bar, right on the wall. Some of the larger bar, with dancers model type, and the bar girls have the highest prices. I suspect that these are places where the ship is coming, and only for a few days, so keep the kids in the show, and get the best buy.

Nearly all bars have the bikini girlstheir clothes. Needless to say, you can easily see what to go shopping. In the morning, the medical department was also in our department, the paramedics would be busy every morning, which made the shots VD. Some days, the line of guys are lining up to get shots, was 30 or 40 people deep.

In the Philippines it was a practice among the nations military ID cards so that he could not go into town to spread a little 'when she VD. The medical department was flooded all the time.The girls would regularly by doctors who worked in the bar that were great were reviewed, and the Navy have people who have tested to ensure that the girls saw doctors.

You might have a battle group of 15,000 boys shoot at goal, and can not have 3 or 4 girls for every type of service, and all the hot and sexy in bikini. This was a playground for all 19-year-old.

The ship always seems a lot of festivals and cook out. One offavorite places to go in earlier, was an island called Grand Island. E 'was near the coast, and perhaps only 1 mile from the boat Bonka. These small boats have Bonka large wooden beams to keep them quiet, and fast. We would take them to the island, usually in the middle of the night. The island had many huts that we would stay for the night. This was put to the Marina. We would all drink and roast pork, and just a good time on the island.

Mostthe kids still prefer the city, where the nightlife is happening. When a ship was in town for a few days. Some of the kids pay hundreds of dollars to someone else to know their watches, or take or replace their duty day with them, just so you could go to town every day, would be in port.

Even before most of the ships pulled into port, I would take care of secret communications, and I want to know when was a particular shipto shoot at goal from the first of many. But, would the majority of bars in the city, the new signs have been painted on the windows, which was welcoming the ship when it was coming into port. You always knew only ships plan better than us.

The whole time I was in the Philippines, I did not feel safe on the streets down, or just hang out. I have never been deprived of, attacked, or something a bit 'worried that I might actually happen, just when Iwas in places like Pakistan or elsewhere. The Filipino people are really friendly and everyone speaks English, and it's just a really fun place to visit.

A person could really go for the night for $ 20. This $ 10 fine for a bar that is high in any case, the exchange rate was around 50 pesos weight could be $ 1. Some bar fines would probably be only about 300 pesos, which is less than $ 10. It could be a hotel room for the night, almost anywhere, for about $ 7overnight. And for $ 3, you can eat a handful of beer and some tacos, $ 3 for the final. So, for $ 20, you can eat, drink, have a girl and a room for $ 20. You could spend more and better, and spend some guys have a lot less.

One night in the Philippines, many of us in the office, went on as usual. Tonight, LTJG, that our department had an officer decided to come with us. All the boys called him feel good, because his name rhymed with, but nonecalled it by that name, on its face. It was the kind of officer who, if you type something that would come after you, and put his hands on his shoulders, and only what you see and do, and try to do a massage as you have a good job or something like that.

No one has ever told him to stop him because he a nice guy, and he was our division officer as well. That evening, we wanted, we had a new landowners who were not aboard the ship, or in the office formuch longer, and he was the youngest man in our office, and the lowest rank. He went with us this evening.

It would be a night that I would end up inside for the evening, at the end of everything. We were in a bar that had a mechanical bull in itself. We were all drinking, and betting on who could stay on the bull the longest. I remember the bull riding that night, because I live very well on it, but I need the legs for 2 days later, I hung it so badtense muscles, I have, I do not even know had my legs.

Well, I do not know how things went, but before you know it, the new landowners had his shirt and was around our division officer. Here we are, surrounded by some of the most beautiful girl in the world, it seems, and these guys are doing it. Now it turns out, the officer of the division had to drink too much, and he had his shirt pulled Yeoman soldiers, and pulled him into her lap. searched for other guysThis miserable about him and a fight broke out.

We finished on the road, opposite the bar and some of us made for drunk and disorderly taken. Our division officer was also one of the people who had disappeared, been arrested and imprisoned. I heard the officer of the division in another cell to pass. I've heard, the landowners who took off his shirt to say anything, he had just said.

Apparently, it was our division officer transferredwas done immediately to our ship and we all thought, should be expelled from the Navy. One of the boys saw him about a year later and said it was on another ship, and now was a LT. So he got away with a new duty station, and he was promoted, and I think it was just swept under the carpet.

The main street of the city's bars where the bars were removed for big, beautiful girl had, the largest dance floors, and better bands. All roads to the left or right, or do not fillsmall bars, and must be different for at least 100 bar, only 2 km radius.

There were bars with girls oil wrestling, wet T-shirt bar and one of my favorite bars, and many other guys like to be, I'm sure it was called "Drilling's Banquet." He was full of girls, and it was a bit 'a different turn. This was the place that a girl would put something on stage, and people would throw pesos for the stage, and would do things differentdifferent objects, and asking people to throw money on stage. The more money that was thrown out, would be the most bizarre.

Some of these girls were amazing, the way in which they could stretch, or give their own cunnilingus. Some of the things that could fit inside her vagina was amazing to say the least. And this was just one of many different types of bar bar on the strip and the side streets.

On one of my trips, I and a friend were traveling toanother city, about 10 miles away. The city we were traveling, was a famous game called "smile". This is when you drink a couple of guys sitting around a table, and one of the girls is under the table. If someone smiles, have a drink. One can only imagine what the girl under the table to each broken by a smile.

In the Philippines, better known or travel by jeepney or a 3 wheeled trike bike a bike, and both are busy with a lot of hornHorn going for as long as a large city. We have been in this city other category, if we have a small circus on the side of the road and appeared to put aside. We told the jeepney driver to us out there. We paid to enter, and it was a circus freak. They were half man and half woman, person, people were really common.

They had a man who has 8 feet high, had only a pair of pants ripped, so it was a trick, and would not even look at us. He livedin this cage for a long time, and had warped a lot of people on the screen. It 'was one of the craziest circus I've ever seen.

One day I walked along the main avenues of the Philippines, called Magsaysay Avenue, and I heard a man shouting: "Brandon". Well, that was the name of my school I went in. I looked and there was a guy I had gone to school, was also in the Philippines. I talked to him, and the Marine had happened. He was stationed on a ship andwas the importation into the Philippines the same time I was.

The bar, which is usually hung on and played pool and just outside, the bar was named Cindi. Most of the girls were in their youth or early twenties. There was a girl or a woman who was in his thirties. She was the girl with experience. She had never been to San Diego and knew all the places available. We have always said, was not to bring a girl from overseas, will only get the United States.

It's OK to find outone in the states that are already there, but if you find one abroad, do not report them. She will marry and then dump their cards when they get to live in the U.S., we were told. It 's always been the kind of goof ball to marry a girl he met there wanted, and could be its only known for a few days. Marina have always tried to discourage anyone from marriage, since the documents had to go threw our office and we had to ask to marry.

This girlwho was older, had his home, and she all of us, because over there to download the weekend and make spaghetti for all of us. It would also be some of the girls in the bar over to his house. At one time or another, I think all of us to have time alone with Mary, their eldest daughter was the one who owned the house, which has already been spent in San Diego.

Almost every man out of the office that had briefly been a friend, as they like to call.None of the boys, I thought we all had a good time with her, and we all liked. Once, I was in a couple of days off. I decide to take a couple of days off the ship, and I was with Maria guest house. Well, while I was on vacation, decided something has happened to the civilians working on base, and the base, said all military personnel and deleted all the freedom of the city until further notice.

They feared, could start the civilUproar over a contract dispute is that it's gone. At any time, there seemed to be more civilians working under the military personnel. At the base in the Philippines. He had many Philippine citizens who have jobs at the base, and everyone seemed to ride to and from work. If the job has been left out, it was just a jam, and a sea of ​​people on bicycles are everywhere.

The city was deserted, except the girls go everywhere, and some civilians who were workingthe Navy, do not follow the military rules. I was aware, everyone had to return to base, but not until it was officially notified by someone. I was enjoying the whole city for me. I could go to a bar, and there were no kids, but all the girls were still there. It 'was like Hugh Hefner or something.

Finally shore patrol saw me and told me I had to return to base and report to go a few days later, everything was back to normal, and the city was aGiant carnival type atmosphere again.

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